Cradle Mountain Weather

Cradle Mountain weather is known for its unpredictability, being an alpine area, the Cradle Mountain forecast is inclined to change at any time and walkers and visitors to the area should ALWAYS be well prepared for any conditions regardless of the weather at one time. Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park has a high annual rainfall due to its elevation and because it is an alpine area, you should expect to see four seasons in a single day. If visiting you need to ensure that you are prepared for snow, heat, sleet, rain and windy conditions, even in summer! Snow generally falls from July to September in the highlands of Tasmania but temperatures can drop unexpectedly at any time along with strong winds that create almost freezing conditions in any season.

Cradle Mountain’s shorter walking tracks are generally sheltered under the canopy of trees so inclement weather should not deter you from enjoying this incredible landscape, as long as you come well prepared. In fact during periods of wet weather the waterfalls are at their most spectacular and the landscape is often at its most dramatic! The most reliable and generally stable weather conditions occur during late summer and into autumn (December-April), as the days are longer and the temperature is generally warmer. In winter, ice and snow can regularly cover the tracks especially on longer walks such as the Overland Track. It is definitely wise to check and check again before embarking on your journey even if it is a short half hour walk precautions still need to be taken for your safety and maximum enjoyment of your Australian wilderness adventure.

Book a Cradle Mountain tour today

To book your journey to the stunning Cradle Coast region, book online or give our consultants a call on 1300 935 532.